Submitted by Leah Campion, Events Coordinator, HSF:
Greetings, Fulton Heights residents!
We are excited to see restrictions loosening with the pandemic so we can bring you some exciting HSF events in the near future. Work has still been going on behind the scenes! Here’s how we’ve kept busy:
We operate an Architectural Salvage Warehouse at the Ice House on East Horah Street! As you continue with your home improvement and Pinterest projects, check out the offerings at the Ice House! We also take donations of historic materials. In fact, two of your neighbors on Maupin Avenue recently donated windows and a bathtub for resale. The Ice House is open 9am-12pm on Saturdays and by appointment. If you need an appointment, please contact the HSF office at
We have been working to improve our social media presence so follow us on Facebook at Historic Salisbury Foundation and @historicsalisburyfoundation on Instagram. These sites are the best source for all things HSF! Our website is also a great source of information –
OctoberTour had a successful year in 2020 as a virtual event. We hope you participated. But there’s nothing like an in-person homes tour, and we are planning a live tour for 2021! Stay tuned to social media for more information.
Our always popular History on Tap (HOT) series is a go for this summer! More information is forthcoming. Check out the History on Tap page on our website for past HOT events.
Do you need some questions answered about your historic property? Since Fulton Heights is not a locally registered historic district (Nationally Registered only), you do not have to follow the rules of the Salisbury Historic Preservation Commission. However, if the historical integrity of your home is important to you, a great resource is the State Historic Preservation Office. Bret Sturm – Restoration Specialist, State Historic Preservation Office an HSF member or renew your membership today!