Fulton Heights was known as “garden spot of the home seeker”

For the four years that it was open, from June 1906 until September of 1910*, Fulton Heights Park provided delightful entertainment to the people of Salisbury and the surrounding community. Some of the fin- est dances, shows and amusements, “with not a single indecent or crooked feature,” were presented during that time.

In general, the Park included all of the blocks from Jordan Street past Boyden Street (formerly known as Bean Street) and from Heilig Avenue over to the alleyway south of Elm Street. The baseball park was laid out occupying the lots on either side of Wiley Avenue in between Jordan Street and Fries Street, with home plate near the street intersection.

The trolley originally ran down the 100 block of Mitchell Avenue to Crosby Street, but was extended to Jordan Street when the Park was opened. The Southern Development Company in 1902 filed the original plan for the Fulton Heights subdivision, with all the blocks and lots laid out. This plan included the Park area, which was “the prettiest property on the market,” boasted a December 1905 advertisement.

“Fulton Heights will be to Salisbury what Dilworth is to Charlotte,” read an ad. In April 1906, Mr. J.M. Maupin, the primary land developer, offered a prize of $10 in gold to the person writing the best ad as to why someone should live in Fulton Heights. For $200 you could buy a lot, but had to commit to a home costing no less than $1,500!

Some of those advertisements for Fulton Heights read, “A place for pleasure and comfort.” “Situated between the busy, bustling city on the east and the beauties of nature to the west.” “Every modern convenience. Its elevation and sanitary improvements will add greatly to the health of those who are seeking purity and a delicious breeze.” “Locations choice; prices right; inducements many. No dust, no smoke, no crowding.” “The garden spot of the home seeker. The Rock of Gibraltar in Real Estate Investments!” And my personal favorite, “Property increases in value while you sleep!”

Obviously, there was a lot of marketing going on for this new subdivision. Fulton Heights Park was part of that marketing strategy, designed to entice the public into the area and interest them in living there. It worked.

Prior to the opening of the Park and the big marketing campaign, only about 6 percent of all blocks showed sales activity, primarily those on Fulton Street. By 1909, there was a building boom in Fulton Heights, and by 1910 the Park and its buildings were being offered for sale first as a whole and then in part to the highest bidder. During the time the Park was open, 41 percent of the blocks had sales activity and during the five years after the Park closed, 25 percent of the blocks showed sales. The marketing campaign was a success. “The interest in Salisbury dirt was very marked and on the increase!

(*Note: This is a correction from a previous Heights History article. Further research has clarified that the park did not stay in operation until 1918.) Leslie and Doug Black of 629 Mitchell Ave. write Heights’ History and used 30 Salisbury Post articles from 1905-1912 and records from the Register of Deeds Office to research this installment.)